Ancestral Herbal Healing

Experience the indigenous plant medicine practice of Jamaica the Rastafari way with Cannabis and other native herbs!

Steam Chalice’s Made In Jamaica

Steaming is a mindful experience that integrates all the elements of nature; water, fire, earth, air, and spirit with the mind, body, and soul. Allowing one to consume medicinal herbs including cannabis in a conscious, sustainable, and healthier way.

Utilize medicinal herbs in complete totality without burning the healing compounds in the process through steam therapy.

With a wide variety of styles and varieties to attune your sacred space with

Honor the roots and culture of ancient plant-medicine practices through mindfulness with cannabis

Book a personal or group Steam Chalice Ceremony with TaiJah 

activate your ancestral re-membrance & cultivate a deeper relationship with herbs on a wholistic level through an intimate private plant-medicine ceremony with the Steam Chalice.

We also do Ceremonial Workshops available in Jamaica! Contact us to book a Ceremony or to collaborate with us at your next retreat or sacred gathering.

- $155 / 1hour virtual private ceremony per individual

( Chalice Not Included ) 1hr Virtual Experience

The Ultimate Steam Chalice Guide

Steam Up To Our Playlists!

Only available on Spotify. Made by TaiJah herself!

Island Tings

Island Tings

Handmade island creations made in Jamaica! Made with authentic gemstone crystals and native materials. Blessed and charged in nature by our sister brand TaiTopics!